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At the end of the day, I know that show is popular, so it’s not really changing my life… I just know it was popular because people reacted that way, versus looking at the download stats. Well, it’s one of those ROI kind of conversations, and I think this is a good conversation for Ship It, like “What’s worth doing?” and the fact is that in our five years of being on Fastly, this is the first incident they’ve had… And if it didn’t happen to be right when we released a popular episode of the Changelog – if it was just like a Saturday and we missed some downloads, I wouldn’t care all that much. So that was a bummer, but pick your poison, I guess, or better of two evils. In fact, in our admin it looks like it’s not a very good episode of the Changelog, but I’m quite sure it was pretty popular… So I was bummed, I was like “Oh, no…! We missed out on the stats for the show”, which was one of our bigger shows of the year… But I’d rather have that happen and let people listen to it than have it be down and nobody gets to listed to it. When we shipped our episode of the Changelog with Ryan Dahl, and because we do all of our analytics through our Fastly logs, and then we served all of that traffic directly from Linode, we have no idea how popular that episode is. Well, it just so happened to be timed directly. First of all, thanks for springing into action and bringing this back up 21 minutes, nothing wrong with that, compared to the BBC, those suckers, they were down for much longer… But the bummer side, let me tell you the bummer side, which - I haven’t told you this before, but what you did is you cut Fastly out and you put Linode directly in, right? And so all of our traffic was served from Linode during that time. So we can improve in smaller steps, but also figure things out a lot, lot quicker, what works and what doesn’t work, rather than once a year.

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And one of the ideas for the show was to do it more often, to improve more often. Now, one thing that we did in the past differently is that we improved, or at least we shared those improvements once per year. And I think the infrastructure setup that we’ve been rolling for some number of years has been an embodiment of that.

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So having done it for 5, 6, 7 years, it’s so deep-ingrained in me I cannot not do it. And this was good, because what worked well, what didn’t work so well? Anything that people wanna discuss? And that made sure that everybody was in sync with problems, but also the wins. But always be improving was something that was embodied in the retrospectives that we used to have every single week at the end of the week. The reason why I care so much about this is that having been part of Pivotal, this company which isn’t anymore - it was acquired by VMware last year or two years ago - is that one of the core principles was to always be improving. Move beyond your content delivery network to their powerful edge cloud platform. Fastly powers fast, secure, and scalable digital experiences.

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